
Trickle Features

Trickle is your solution for transforming the clutter of screenshots into organized, insightful goldmines. Powered by GPT-4, Trickle deciphers the true essence of your captures, going beyond mere summarization.

Key Features:

  1. Simple Capture: Just send your screenshots to Trickle, and it takes care of the rest.
  2. Organized Storage: Upload screenshots to declutter your camera roll and keep them neatly organized.
  3. Insightful Digest: Receive AI-generated insightful summaries, especially for text-heavy and unstructured diagrams.
  4. Effortless Retrieval: Easily browse, search, and interact with your saved screenshots.
  5. Semantic Search: Utilize AI's semantic reasoning to find insights, not just text extraction.

What You Can Achieve with Trickle:

  • Extract Insights: Uncover valuable insights hidden in your screenshots.
  • Diagram Clarity: Identify and highlight crucial information within diagrams.
  • Digitize Handwritten Notes: Convert handwritten content into digital text.
  • Effortless Search: Quickly locate specific screenshots when you need them.
  • Semantic Queries: Ask AI for detailed, semantic results.

Trickle streamlines the management of your screenshots, turning them into a source of valuable insights and knowledge, thanks to the reasoning abilities of GPT-4.


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