SayHI Features

SayHi is a powerful AI-powered Chrome extension designed to enhance users' LinkedIn messaging experience. By leveraging public LinkedIn profiles, SayHi enables users to create effective and personalized messages that resonate with their recipients, catering to various professional activities such as recruiting, networking, sales, customer outreach, and fundraising.

Key Features:

  1. Personalized LinkedIn Messaging: SayHi uses AI to create personalized messages based on public LinkedIn profiles.
  2. Message Templates: Users can create reusable message templates for efficient and consistent communication.
  3. Team Features: SayHi offers team plans with features such as analytics integration, A/B testing, automated message templates, and access to beta features.
  4. Customizable Plans: Users can request custom plans with unique and tailored features to meet specific requirements.

Use Cases:

  • Recruiting and Professional Networking: SayHi helps users craft engaging LinkedIn messages for recruitment and networking purposes.
  • Sales and Customer Outreach: Users can leverage SayHi to create persuasive messages for sales and customer outreach activities.
  • Fundraising: SayHi assists users in creating compelling messages for fundraising initiatives.

SayHi is a valuable tool for optimizing LinkedIn messaging and establishing meaningful connections.


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